Sunday, December 29, 2019

The League Of United Latin American Citizens - 3196 Words

The League of United Latin American Citizens, or LULAC, states in its website that it â€Å"is the oldest and most widely respected Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States of America.† Established in 1929 by three virtually unheard of Mexican-American civil rights groups, it has served its Latino population for over 85 years. It was founded at a time when Mexican Americans needed a voice and, upon its arrival, sparked the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement. LULAC was able to transform itself through constant re-assessment of its goals and accomplishments, as it established itself as a Mexican-American champion and leader, while creating a legacy for coming generations to follow. When Texas was annexed into to the U.S. in 1845, approximately 77,000 Mexicans were living in the state, who had the choice of either becoming citizens or moving back Mexico. Those who stayed maintained peace with the Anglo families and leaders for over 50 years after the annexation. However, there soon came a large rush of new Anglos from all over the country. These new residents created rivalries and competition between them and the older residents. With the Mexican Civil War going on in Mexico more Mexicans immigrated to the U.S. mostly settling in Texas, for jobs in the mining and railroad industries. The nearby civil war made many people believe that a civil war was going to happen in Texas between the two groups of residents. This created, as stated in the book No Mexicans,Show MoreRelatedBaseball And The American Civil War999 Words   |  4 PagesBaseball’s arrival in Latin America is arguably rooted as a by-product of America’s global colonialism and expansioni sm policy of Manifest Destiny (Iber et al., 2011). Latin America’s passion of baseball allegedly began at the end of the American Civil War and just before Cuba’s struggle for independence recognized as the Ten Years War from 1868 through 1878 (Arbena, 2011). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Link Between Internet And The Internet - 1847 Words

†¢ Connectivity considered as an important issue in unstable society. When we asked the participant about their opinion of the importance of connecting to the internet, the results revealed that 65% of the respondents from LSC-Sample felt that connecting to the internet is â€Å"Extremely Important†. Furthermore, some comments from the participants show the attitude of how important to be connected, â€Å"the internet is a life saver† as stated by one of the responses. Furthermore, â€Å"Under the current situation in Syria, the internet plays crucial roles in term of security and protection†. On the other hand the result from the second sample (RSC-Sample) revealed that 55% of the respondents also â€Å"Extremely Important†, â€Å"it is heart breaking not to be able to be in contact with the loved one inside Syria, it is also important to be able to download some important documents through the internet coming from Syria, as the host country demanding for† as suggested by one of the participants. Figure3: LSC-Sam ple type of access to the internet Connecting people who are living in unstable society play crucial roles in improve humanitarian services, such as Safety and security. From the RSC-Sample few responses revealed that they rely on the UNHCR published information related security and safety. Furthermore, it gives the chances for refugees and displaced people to be self-reliance. Some people highlighted through their comments about their online Jobs, where the work opportunity isShow MoreRelatedThe Link Between The Internet And London Underground1674 Words   |  7 Pagesand why the Internet distinctively differs from other ordinary kinds of networks; specifically, I will compare it to the London Underground system (reference to the network analysis of the 2005 London underground attack, Ferenc 2008. Therefore, in this essay I will analyze and discuss the extent to which the Internet is widely different to other networks; I will support my point using some leading scholar’s theories and experimental results. Before analyzing and comparing the Internet with LondonRead MoreThe Osi And Tcp Model1459 Words   |  6 Pagesthe reader a greater understanding about the OSI and TCP model. The model shows the different layers for example for the OSI model it has the following layers: Application layer, Presentation layer, Session layer, Transport layer, Network layer, Data-Link layer and Physical layer. The similarities in the TCP model would be: the Application layer and the Transport layer. This is then compared for the differences to see which models layer has, that is different to the other. 2. The OSI Model 2.1. BriefRead MoreCompare and Contrast Tcp/Ip and Osi Models1528 Words   |  7 Pages functional, and procedural characteristics to access the physical medium Physical interface between devices 1. Mechanical 2. Electrical 3. Functional 4. Procedural 2 Data link Provides for the reliable transfer of information across the physical link; sends blocks (frames) with the necessary synchronisation, error control and flow control Means of activating, maintaining and deactivating a reliable link Error detection and control Higher layers may assume error free transmission 3 Network ProvidesRead MoreThe Ethics Of The European Union Data Protection Legislation1694 Words   |  7 Pagesfrom the crash were circulating on the Internet. As summarized in a later court filing, two employees of the CHP admitted to e-mailing nine gruesome images of Castouras’ injuries to their friends and family members on Halloween—for pure shock value. The Catsouras family took legal action against the CHP in an attempt to remove the gruesome pictures off the Internet. This incident is one of many that has caused individuals to demand a right that would allow Internet users to protect themselves from beingRead MoreP1 : Web Architecture And Components1586 Words   |  7 PagesP1: Web architecture and components Here is a simple diagram showing how users use the internet and connect to it. Below are some of the critical features to internet usage: ISP (internet service provider) They provide a way to access the internet and is connected with clients, via fibre optic, copper wiring and wireless. It also domain registration names. Examples of internet service providers are BT, SKY and Talk Talk. ISP is used to send packets of information andRead MoreOsi vs Tcp/Ip1284 Words   |  6 PagesOpen System Interconnection model (OSI model) and the layers of the Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol model (TCP/IP model), and explain the similarities and differences of each model. The 7 layers of the OSI model consist of: The Application layer (layer 7), The Presentation layer (layer 6), The Session layer (layer 5), The Transport layer (layer 4), The Network layer ( layer 3), The Data Link layer (layer 2) and The Physical layer (layer 1). All 7 layers together is referred to as theRead MoreApplication And Application Of Cloud Computing795 Words   |  4 Pagesthe Internet, users have been able to access information faster than ever. Today, users have the ability to utilize cloud technologies to access information and services. Users no longer have to rely on the processing power of their personal computer (PC) to complete task or limit the ability of accessing pictures or document to a physical location such as their hard drive on their PC. The Internet is a large network that is continues to provide more services and opportunities. The Internet is supportRead MoreEssay about Ch 4 Microsoft Office Bcis635 Words   |  3 Pagestelecommunications process. Telecommunication devices relay signals between computer systems and transmission media. 3. What is telecommunication protocol? Sets of rules and regulations that govern the process of digital information exchange between two distant entities. 5. What is VPN? How do organizations use this technology? â€Å"Virtual private Network† transfer info by encapsulating traffic in IP packs and sending the packets over the internet. Companies that use a VPN from an ISP have outsourced theirRead Morent1210 Essay837 Words   |  4 Pagesdevices that we use every day to inter-operate. Imagine buying specific BRAND of ROUTER for a SPECIFIC computer just to use the internet; so if you have a Sony computer you would also need a Sony wireless router to connect to the internet via provided Sony made routers. We would to have multiple routers depending on the devices we own and probably would not be able to use internet when we’re in a cafà ©, library, or airport because of incompatibility. Our whole society including the financial aspect wouldRead MoreBusiness Analysis : Barracuda Network908 Words   |  4 Pagesin the balancing of traffic across multiple ISP links to ensure Internet continuity and availability, even during ISP outages. It balances both outbound and inbound traf fic intelligently, so users have Internet access whenever they need it. The company has in place Application prioritization and granular quality-of-service (QoS) policies assure priority to business-critical application traffic – and the applications remain available even when links fail. This deploys quickly and transparently into

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to make friends Free Essays

Good morning Principal, teachers and fellow students, Welcome all new Form 1 students. This is the first school assembly. It’s our honour to have all come back to our school and to feel the harmonious atmosphere around the school. We will write a custom essay sample on How to make friends? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Form 1 stage is a critical period in which students need to adapt to the new environment. It’s a transitional period for you and you have to overcome these sorts of psychological changes. In the new school year, you will meet different people who are new to you, you will have many subjects that you haven’t encountered in primary school. I am the Chairman of the school counseling service. My name is Chris Wong from 6S. I am going to give all Form 1 new students some suggestions on how to make friends. Firstly, let me tell you the importance of making friends briefly. According to Confucianism, ‘friends’ are one of the five important elements in interpersonal relationships. Friends give consolation, point out the mistakes you make and urge you to correct them. Friends are to be trusted and have the responsibility to ‘monitor’ each other. Friends are spread all over the world. Confucius even said, ‘Teachers are also your FRIENDS because they not only teach you knowledge and learning tactics, but they also teach you social ethics and morals. Morals are clues to guide you – not to act improperly, not to go astray.’ You see, friends are so important to us! Okay, let us move to ‘what attracts people to each other’. There are two definitions. From a micro-view, people are always attracted by same gender, same age, same school, same residential building, and so on. This is because making friends depends on the interpersonal distance between them. The closer they are and the more often they see each other, the greater chance there is of making friends. From a macro-view, friends are not limited to the aforementioned factors – friends are spread all around the world. There are no boundary limitations to making friends. If people only have the same hobbies and feel good to meet each other, they will become friends. I hope you will catch what I mean. Maybe I give you some real examples on ways to make friends, then you will have a better understanding on what I mentioned before. Firstly, ‘being active’ is of the utmost importance in making friends. Try not to be shy and dare to initiate the conversation. This is ‘interaction’ because the relationship of friends is bilateral, it can never be unilateral. For example, you can start the conversation by saying, ‘Hi! It’s hot. It’ll be good to go swimming. I like swimming, do you like swimming?†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The content of the conversation is mainly about the same hobby. Of course, there are other ways to make friends, say, inviting somebody or even a group of people to a party, to a ball, to a feast, etc. Invitations are a symbol of sincerity. People like to see someone else treat them in a friendly manner, so it is another good way to make friends. Ah†¦May I add a point? Just now, I talked about making friends who have the same hobby as you. You may even bring your actual stuffs along with you and give them a look. Say, if you like collecting stamps, you may being a stamp album along. So, when you feel bored, you can take out the album and discuss with your friends the meaning of collecting stamps, like learning others’ practices and customs and enhancing cultural awareness. Or if you like playing ball games, you can take a ball with you. You’ll find it very useful in case you need it. There are additional benefits, playing sports is fun and improve our cardiovascular functions. Let me discuss the ways to make friends. In the ‘Age of the Information Explosion’, people can make friends on the Internet with the aid of devices, like ICQ, MSN and Skype. If you have a web camera and a microphone connected to the computer, you can even have audio and visual conversations with your acquaintance on the other side of the world. Making friends in the Net is not ‘virtual’ as some people say, but it may be risky sometimes. So, let’s move on how to make friends carefully. Not everyone is kind-hearted, some are criminals and crooks, especially when we make friends on the Net, and we need to be very careful since you don’t have a face-to-face contact with the other even though you have a web camera. So, my advice is first, don’t meet the ‘friend’ you make on the Net alone, in case. Meet him or her along with your parents. Second, don’t tell your private personal information, say, ID cxard number, phone number, address to them under any circumstances. Of course, we need to be self-disciplined when making friends. Don’t tell lies on the Net! Indeed, there are two kinds of friends. One kind is called ‘true friends’ and another kind is called ‘acquaintances’. It is very difficult to find true friends who totally have no barrier between you and him or her. But, you can make acquaintances very easily. So, the best way to do is to ‘turn your foes into your acquaintance.’ An enemy is no good, so you can turn them to acquaintances by just saying hello and goodbye to them. In this way, you can keep him with certain distance but the relationship is not antagonistic. In the meantime, you should try hard to consolidate and enhance your relationship with your true friends. Treasure them! Value them! Don’t lie to them! In conclusion, it’s never difficult to make friends unless people become extinct. So, try your best to make good friends who are beneficial to you. I hope all you guys adapt to our school life this year. Thank you! How to cite How to make friends?, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sustainable Food Production And Environment -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Sustainable Food Production And Environment? Answer: Introduction Zero energy buildings have the capacity of providing indoor comfort without the use of much energy. Since the Design and construction of the building are cost-effective towards decreasing the rate of energy consumption, it greatly helps conserve the ecology for the future generation. In order to minimize the rate of emissions of carbon dioxide and safeguard the environment, human beings are thus obliged to utilize a small amount of heat mostly in heating. Annually, it is estimated that the old structures are utilizing between 200 to 400 kWh/m2 amount of energy for heating purposes. The hope of future generation buildings energy consumption estimated between 20-50 kWh/m2(Buch, 2016). Zero energy buildings will help to realize these as per the standards stipulated in its mandate. These structures utilize 90 % of the resources from households and wastes from construction sites that are used to build the waste house. Examples of the discarded materials are toothbrushes, DVD cases, floppy discs and carpet tiles. The research paper is centred on the analysis of the design of a waste house in Brighton's University which is carbon free and zero energy building. Besides, the report focuses on the conceptual and detailed design of the building. (British, 2015). Needs Definition Zero energy buildings are buildings which are regular and poses some desired features such as being well protected, airtight and energy efficient. They provide a house which is carbon free and has an overall zero energy. For instance, their design is a bit advanced from the old buildings i.e. incorporation of double-walled houses they are purely solar panelled thereby making them a zero free energy structure. They promote sustainability, affordability and also they increase the human comfort. Besides, they are of high quality since they are more durable as compared to others. Below are some terms used in the construction o a waste house building(Frank, 2017). Zero net site energy use this refers to the amount of energy that is utilized by the building and it is availed on the site by renewable sources of energy. Zero net source energy use: this refers to the utilization of the total amount of energy that is produced by the renewable sources of energy. Net zero energy emissions: this refers to the balancing of the carbon emissions that are produced off-site with the carbon-free energy that is produced by the renewable sources. Net off-site zero energy use: this refers to the utilization of energy which is carbon free and generated by renewable sources of energy off-site. Net-zero energy building: this refers to an energy efficient building which is connected to the grid and it allows for the production of energy from the renewable sources to restitute the energy requirement. Preliminary design The preliminary design for the conceptual design phase of the Brighton waste house project entails the definition of the various configurations and provision the layout of the project in terms of various schematic diagrams .there are some basic requirements that will be of great significance in consideration of the conceptual design. These include the Reduction of house's energy requirements: Insulation will assist in minimizing the amount of heat lost and gained during the winter and summer season respectively. It also avails building envelopes including slab, roof and walls. A barrier constituting air will minimize the heat loss and heat gain (Heinz, 2016). Production of clean energy required: this entails the production of energy from renewable sources of energy such as solar that are more sustainable. Efficient operating the house: this entails the use of appropriate appliances and operating temperature conditions. The waste house project will need some of the elements in various systems such as; Heating and cooling system: On the heating and the cooling system of the house, a geothermal heat pump will be required since when it is connected to a de-superheater, it will be able to heat and cool thereby supplying both cold and warm water into the house. Besides, it will be operated under maximum utilization of earth temperature. This temperature allows interchange of heat medium with the external air temperature and consequently increasing the efficiency of the system(Goncalves, 2016). Water heating system For the water heating system, solar thermal modules will be very appropriate. This is because they greatly help in saving costs that could be used when electricity was otherwise generated. There will be constant water recirculation system that provides for both the hot and cold water. The hot water can be supplied to the kitchen as well as the bathrooms(Graham, 2015). Lightning system The lighting system of the house will basically involve electricity generation through solar panels. This will greatly help in reducing the energy costs as once the installation is done, then there will only be the need of installing temporary power storage devices such as batteries to supply electricity during cold seasons and at night(Heinz, 2016). Ventilation system The ventilation system will be mechanically enabled and will be energy efficient to help in the quality of fresh air. It will be an Energy Recovery Ventilation system which balances the humidity. Detailed design This section elaborates each aspect of the waste house by providing some specifications and costs. There are some tools that will be required that will be used in the design o the waste house. These tools include System test The design of the zero house building entails the use of various models during its design process. Generally, there are various models that are applied during an engineering process design. This includes v- model and waterfall model. However, the model that was applied in the design of this building is the v-model which ensures that at each and every stage, there is a test to ensure performance and efficiency which is always contrary to the waterfall model. The waterfall model makes it difficult to rectify most issues as it is applicable at the end of the design process. Hence, below are some of the various v model design techniques that were applied(Maldonado, 2016). Design performance modelling which is established to estimate the performance of the house with regards to the ventilation, daylight penetration, energy efficiency, and the thermal comfort Building energy modelling: this is modelling tool that comprises of data and information which gives predictions and assumptions on the performance and maintenance of the waste house. Building operation modelling: this is a modelling tool that allows for the calibration of the building energy modelling and is basically used in the monitoring of the building. It permits for calibration of building energy modelling(Moubray, 2015) Project resource modelling this is a modelling tool that assesses the difficulties that will have effects on the project development of the project. Besides, hi stool demonstrates the correlation between efficiency, conservation and consumption. Besides, there are some fundamental elements that need to be incorporated into the system. These include. Validation process The validation n process focuses on the analysis technique whereby testing is executed by implementing the code. Besides, a detailed specification is provided as shown below on the: The fundamental demands of the structural elements of the waste house can be given as: Item Description Costs $ . insulated Timber-framed structure This should comprise of timber offcuts with of salvaged ply 3000 Thermal insulation of the waste house. The high-level building will comprise of constant heat transfer walls and not exceed 0.09W/ (m2 K). The coating should also not exceed 0.07W/(m2 K) whereas the floor 0.09 W/(m2 K) 1000 translucent cladding structures The structures should be installed with lower e-coated glass having a transferring heat coefficient of 1 W/ m2 K) 2250 building envelopes These should be located at a Higher position and should be airtight.(Moubray, 2015) 500 The cost of energy consumption and production is estimated by the use of a computer modelling device. A software is known as a zero energy residence optimization aid in the designing part of the waste house by incorporating ways of minimizing the energy consumption rate and the cooling efficiency as well. The specification of the waste house includes a heating system, insulation level, electrical layout, lighting system and the various domestic appliances. Besides the main source of energy used is a solar power which essentially minimizes the cost of energy to zero. A complex 3-dimensional simulation tool is used to determine the performance of the building under various conditions such as the local climate, insulation type, heating efficiency, among other variables(Zeiher, 2016). Optimization This process refers to the way of obtaining a substitute but with the most cost-effective or maximum realizable performance under the given constrictions, by exploiting desired factors and minimizing undesired ones. This has been in the project by the application of the above modelling techniques which reduces the amount of energy consumption. For instance Design performance modelling which is established to estimate the performance of the house with regards to the ventilation, daylight penetration, energy efficiency, and the thermal comfort Building energy modelling: this is modelling tool that comprises of data and information which gives predictions and assumptions on the performance and maintenance of the waste house. Building operation modelling: this is a modelling tool that allows for the calibration of the building energy modelling and is basically used in the monitoring of the building. It permits for calibration of BEM(Blanchard, 2016). Project resource modelling this is a modelling tool that assesses the difficulties that will have effects on the project development of the project. Besides, hi stool demonstrates the correlation between efficiency, conservation and consumption. Besides, there was also other techniques that were other human factors which were applied to achieve optimization. They include Conclusion The project was about an analysis of the conceptual and detailed design of a zero energy building or in other terms a waste house. Waste Houses are houses that are vacuum-packed, vitality productive and additionally very much ensured such that they provide an overall zero energy and carbon-free house. They encompass cutting-edge plan and building framework with energy conservative with situations on the sunlight based boards. The fundamental design of the waste house employs an energy rating outline which engages the use of PC renovation with a specific end goal to survey warming and cooling proficiency of vitality of private building outline. The building materials are demonstrated keeping in mind the end goal to appraise the vitality execution and cost of different planning choices.(Thomas, 2006). With a progression in the sector of renewable expertise, these zero energy houses are the future. This is because they maximize the luxury of humans as a result of the uniform internal temperature. Besides, these houses minimize the energy requirements as well as the total tenure bills as a result of the improved energy efficiency. References Alexander, B., 2015. Systems Engineering Principles and Practice. 2nd ed. new york John Wiley Sons, Benjamin, F., 2015. Sustainable Engineering practices and Analysis. 2nd ed. Westminister: Pearson Education, Limited. Buch, M., 2016. Insects as sustainable food ingredients. 2nd ed. Carlisle: Orient Blackswan. Columbia, B., 2015. Guide to Environmentally Friendly Food production ways. 4th ed. Columbia: Islands Trust, Frank, D., 2017. Land use literacy for sustainable food production:. 4th ed. Chicago: FT Press. Fred, B., 2016. Sustainable food production workshop. 3rd ed. Carlisle: Elsevier Gulf Professional Pub. GReferencesarlisle: Routledge, Graham, P., 2015. Building Ecology: First Principles For A Sustainable Environment. 3rd ed. Chicago: John Wiley Sons. Maldonado, E., 2016. Environmentally Friendly practices. 5th ed. London: Routledge. Moubray, J., 2015. Food production ethics. 3rd ed. new york Industrial Press Inc. Morimoto, O., 2016. International RILEM Symposium on Environment-Conscious ways of food processing. 3rd ed. Melbourne: RILEM Publications. Oliver, W., 2015. Assisting sustainable food production. 1st ed. new york McGraw-Hill, Santamouris, M., 2015. Plant nutrition for sustainable food production and environment. 2nd ed. Chicago: Earthscan. Thomas, R., 2006. Environmental sustainability. 1st ed. Leicester: Taylor Francis. Wolter, B., 2016. Life-cycle cost and economic analysis. 2nd ed. Chicago: Prentice Hall. Zeiher, L., 2016. sustainable food planning. 2nd ed. Chicago: Whitney Library of Design.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Buddhism and Confucianism free essay sample

Buddhism and Confucianism share many similarities, such as their influence on Chinese society and also teaching their people to be virtuous. They do though, differ in their beliefs and on a fundamental point; Buddhism is spiritual, while Confucianism is entirely secular. Buddhism and Confucianism are parallel in several ways. First, as mentioned before, they both influenced Chinese society in a way. Buddhism influenced China by the improvements of landscape painting. Their belief teaches compassion, karma, reincarnation, meditation, enlightenment, and respect of Heaven and Earth. The influence of Buddhism grew o such an extent that vast amounts of finical and human resources were expended on the creation and establishment of impressive works of art and elaborate temples. This growing interest in Buddhism helped to inspire new ways of depicting deities, new types of architectural spaces in which to worship them, and new ritual motions and actions. Confucians influences the basis of society, family structure, and the government for thousands of years. We will write a custom essay sample on Buddhism and Confucianism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Buddhism encourages a respect for life; in China it helped modify the cruel punishments call for under Legalism. Buddhism espoused respect for all forms of life. Buddhism encouraged the people to be charitable and monasteries became the cultural centers of learning and scholarship. On the other hand, Confucianism had a great impact on the Chinese civilization. It greatly influenced their attitude toward life and it also set their patterns of living and standards of social value. Because of their influence on Chinese society, Buddhism and Confucianism also taught their followers good conduct. The Buddha taught that nirvana, or union with the universal spirit, can be reached through an understanding of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, not through reincarnations from one cast to another. Confucianism taught that social order, harmony, and good government should be based on strong family relationships. Education was also important both to the welfare of an individual and to society and the respect to parents and elders were important to a well-ordered society, too While they may be similar on several levels, Confucianism and Buddhism can certainly be worlds apart in some aspects. One of them, and most important of all the differences, is the distinction between the secular and the spiritual. Confucianism, for one, is very spiritual, as it believes in the afterlife, the spirit that unties everything (Brahman), as well as believing the reincarnation. Even though Buddhism somewhat believe in reincarnation, they desperately try to avoid it, as they want to achieve Nirvana, or union with the universal spirit, which offers release from human suffering. Buddhists focus on minimizing or eliminating suffering. They try to master and reduce the desires and attachments that cause suffering. They are also very big on the cultivation of compassion towards all beings that can suffer. Confucianism, on the other hand, is entirely secular. Its followers devote their time solely to the principal of reciprocity and also the three essential values: Xiao, Ren, and Li. It also focuses mainly on the cultivation of character and human-heartedness, along with fulfilling ones duties to family and country. And because of their differences between their †¦.. t leads to their difference in their belief system. Buddhism is a religion while Confucianism is more of a philosophy. Confucianism believes that you should be improved by education and development of your character, while Buddhism belief is that there will always be negativity in life, and that all life has a lot of suffering in it. Therefore, you cannot change that. This is why Buddhists think reincarnation is a bad thing Also, the Confucians believed you need to understand the relationship with family, and to follow the five goals of Confucianism. The Buddhists had a totally different idea for this though†¦ they believe that you just need to follow behavior in the ways of the eightfold path As you can see Confucianism and Buddhism are very different, but at the same time they are very similar. Each belief has its unique view on basic beliefs, overall goals, goals of the individual believer, view of life, rules of behavior, views of society and influence on China. Even though some of the views are negative, it is the only way the people of that belief know.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Fed EX

Literatures 1. The new economy requires innovation to gaining competitive advantage When we talk about the new economy, we're talking about a world in which people work with their brains instead of their hands; a world in which communications technology creates global competition - not just for running shoes and laptop computers, but also for bank loans and other services that can't be packed into a crate and shipped; a world in which innovation is more important than mass production; a world in which investment buys new concepts or the means to create them, rather than new machines; a world in which rapid change is a constant; a world at least as different from what came before it as the industrial age was from its agricultural predecessor; a world so different its emergence can only be described as a revolution. The Characteristics of the new economy include:  · Significant levels of technological innovation, investing in innovative activities with new product/services or developments in existing product/services continually coming on stream;  · Schumpeterian competition  · High fixed costs in relation to variable costs  · Fixed costs often sunk costs  · Potentially long lived assets  · High levels of uncertainty over the size and longevity of the market for any given product or service  · Multiple products/services manifesting economies of scope as well as economies of scale.  · Some degree of vertical integration for at least some firms in the industry  · Investment in innovative products, and  · Subsequent pricing strategy (product life cycle pricing) . The primary challenges are:  · Accelerating rates of change  · Increasing levels of competition  · The globalization of business competition  · Rapid technological change  · Amore diverse work force  · Resource shortage  · The transition from an industry to a knowledge-based society  · Unstable market and economic condition  · Increasing demands of const... Free Essays on Fed EX Free Essays on Fed EX Literatures 1. The new economy requires innovation to gaining competitive advantage When we talk about the new economy, we're talking about a world in which people work with their brains instead of their hands; a world in which communications technology creates global competition - not just for running shoes and laptop computers, but also for bank loans and other services that can't be packed into a crate and shipped; a world in which innovation is more important than mass production; a world in which investment buys new concepts or the means to create them, rather than new machines; a world in which rapid change is a constant; a world at least as different from what came before it as the industrial age was from its agricultural predecessor; a world so different its emergence can only be described as a revolution. The Characteristics of the new economy include:  · Significant levels of technological innovation, investing in innovative activities with new product/services or developments in existing product/services continually coming on stream;  · Schumpeterian competition  · High fixed costs in relation to variable costs  · Fixed costs often sunk costs  · Potentially long lived assets  · High levels of uncertainty over the size and longevity of the market for any given product or service  · Multiple products/services manifesting economies of scope as well as economies of scale.  · Some degree of vertical integration for at least some firms in the industry  · Investment in innovative products, and  · Subsequent pricing strategy (product life cycle pricing) . The primary challenges are:  · Accelerating rates of change  · Increasing levels of competition  · The globalization of business competition  · Rapid technological change  · Amore diverse work force  · Resource shortage  · The transition from an industry to a knowledge-based society  · Unstable market and economic condition  · Increasing demands of const...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Race and Human Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Race and Human Services - Essay Example The American society is a clear example of inequality along lines of race that constitute the society. This paper examines how race affected the distribution and access to resources. The study uses the critical race theory to explain reasons for poor social support for these communities and the effect it has had on the communities. Pertinent factors on race The history of race clearly reveals that people became full society members if they grew up within the society or adopted the society’s cultural norms. While for most societies, membership to society was based on tribal or familial affiliation, physical characteristics were also considered. Skin color particularly has greatly influenced membership to a society. These physical characteristics are in turn linked to moral, intellectual and psychological qualities. Societies will always assign to their own the highest qualities while assigning lower qualities to the outsiders. Societies in American are based on races, which has led to racism. Racism is the practice of denying a group of people their rights to resources and representation because of racial differences. Institutionalized racism involves use of social institutions such as education, social services, housing, judicial and the government, which touch all aspects of society (Loury, 2005). America comprises of various ethnic communities, a fact that has greatly led to discrimination of such communities as the Native Americans, African American and the Latina. The Native Americans occupied America before the colonial era. The Europeans in an effort to access the American territory for land and its natural resources resulted to massacres, wars and forced displacement. The natives were also subjected to food rights restrictions, impositions of treaties; their land was snatched from them and many more hardships. The European immigrants justified this treatment to stereotypes such as the natives were â€Å"merciless Indian savages† and the man ifest destiny where the conquerors would receive divine blessing for the new land ownership in the US (Hochschild & Weaver, 2007). The displaced natives were relegated to reservations constituting 4 percent of the US territory. The natives were forced to attend the residential school system that aimed to civilize them by teaching them the settler economy, values and culture. To date, Native Americans are the most affected by racism and remain economically disadvantaged compared to other groups. The Native American race suffers high levels of suicide and alcoholism due to lack of future prospects (Hochschild & Weaver, 2007). The African American is the second groups affected by racism. The European settlers needed labor force to work in their vast plantations. Court ruling in the 18 century allowed slavery towards black Africans. Legal discrimination and institutionalized racism were hardened during the 19th century. Though slavery was abolished through the fourteenth amendment and A frican Americans were able to technically vote, many were subjected to acts of terror, poll taxes and discriminatory laws that kept the African Americans disenfranchised especially in the south (Wilson, 2011). Racism during this period was worse than any other period before or after. European supremacy,